Tuesday, January 1, 2013

10 New Year's Resolutions Everyone Should Have

It's that time of the year again - We all want to improve our lives, and on this day, we promise to start fresh.  Here are 10 New Year's Resolutions that everyone should have!

10.  Travel - Get out there and see the world. Whether you plan a large international trip or a local weekend getaway, everyone needs a break so plan a trip for this year.  Viator is an amazing travel site where you can find tours from all over the world to right in your backyard. www.viator.com

9.  Drink more water -  We are all told to drink 8 glasses of water per day, but how many people actually do this? Carry a bottle of water with you to work or keep a glass by your desk.  Then, refill it throughout the day.  Afternoon headaches and sluggishness are most likely caused from dehydration, so drink up.

8.  Volunteer -  Give back this year by spending some time helping others.  This can be very rewarding and also helps out your community.  I have previously mentioned my favorites - check them out:
St. Jude's: http://www.stjude.org
Minds Matter:
Ronald McDonald House:

7.  Treat yourself -  Take time for yourself.  Go get a massage or a manicure.  Acknowledge your flaws, work to fix them, but don't be so hard on yourself. Do something nice for yourself every once in a while.

6.  Exercise more -  This can mean more than just going to the gym.  Take the stairs or walk to the market instead of driving.  Try to do something everyday that gets your heart going.  Exercise is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental health.

5.  Laugh - Don't sweat the small stuff.  Remember to take a moment and laugh even if it is at your own expense.  Laughing is good for the soul.

4.  Get your sleep -  Don't be shy about going to bed early.  This doesn't make you old, it makes you smart.  Sleep helps your immune system, lowers stress, and can also help you maintain a healthy weight.  Get your rest this year.

3. Eat better -  We could all eat a little better.  Add more fruit and vegetables to your daily diet. Eat smaller, more frequent meals to even out your blood sugars and keep boosting your metabolism. If you are craving something, have it but don't over indulge.  A healthy diet is a good mix of foods in smaller portions.

2.  Spend more time with family and friends -  Make an effort this year to speak to or visit your family more.  These days with iphones and facetime, you can really see your family whenever you want.  Take advantage of this and make time to chat with your loved ones. For spouses, create a date night or set aside some special time each week.  Life is busy, and sometimes you have to make time for those you love.

1. Count your blessings -  Take some quiet time everyday to think about the things you are thankful for.  Whether or not you are a religious person, counting your blessings puts life in perspective and keeps us grounded.

Happy New Year!
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  1. Super list! Thanks!

  2. Nice list.

    Under "exercise," I'd add exercising the brain, too. Learn a language, investigate puzzles and movement classes (which challenge the brain as well as the body), learn and use 3 new words every day. Exercising the brain helps to keep the body youthful.


  3. I totally agree, Chris! Thanks!
